Monday, December 19, 2011

Evan is 6 months old already!

Evan sitting up for the first time!

Our Fall Family pictures

Evan's first picture with Santa!

Holy cow! Where does the time really go? Last week, Evan turned 6 months old. I feel like I just gave birth and blinked and now he is 6 months already! I can't believe how incredibly blessed we are to be his parents as he is honestly the best baby ever!! He just rolls with the punches and is as happy as can be. He has been a traveling little guy for only being 6 months old! He has been on 3 or 4 road trips and an airplane ride already! We went to Minnesota the weekend after Thanksgiving and had a great visit with the Helgemoe's.

He seems to just be changing every day and on the 21st Evan began to sit up all by himself! He kinda skipped the rolling over and went straight to sitting up. He still only rolls over in the crib and now that he can sit up, he doesn't really like to lay down so he can roll over! I guess he'll get there sooner or later! He is grabbing toys and transferring them from hand to hand. He is exceptionally good at taking his pacifier out of his mouth and then requiring us to get up at 2 am to put it back in his mouth! That's okay though, he is so cute when he does it that you can't get mad at him! He is really starting to like to be read to and he is very attentive and observant. He is eating pretty well, but I think we are going to have a picky eater on our hands. I make all his baby food and so far, he pretty much only likes to eat things that are orange! He loves butternut squash, pumpkin, carrots and sweet potatoes. He is starting to come around with peas and bananas, but that's about it! He does not like apples, peaches, green beans or chicken. I am afraid he is going to turn orange! We have his 6 month check up at the end of the month so we will see what he weighs then.

We had our first bout of sickness last night with him. He was puking and having diarrhea. It was really sad, but he is the happiest, sick baby I have ever seen (and I've seen my fair share!). Eric was very worried and was ready to take him to the hospital, but Pedialyte to the rescue! He made it through the night and hasn't thrown up since. I guess it was just a 24 hour bug, thank God!!

We are gearing up for Christmas as I am sure all of you are too! We went and cut down our own tree this year and it is beautiful. We took Evan and hope to make it a tradition, as I never got to do anything like that living in Arizona. Nana and Papa Keating are coming out on Thursday and we are looking forward to seeing them! Wish the Droste's could be here too! It is crazy to think that this will be Evan's first Christmas. I still think back to when we wondered if we would ever be able to have a child and here we are. Again, feeling really blessed this year! We are looking forward to next year and just continuing to watch Evan grow and hope to teach him about love, respect and God, although not necessarily in that order! It is so fun and amazing to see him change and evolve every day and he just melts my heart and fills me with so much love that I could just explode!

We want to thank you all for your support and love this year and we pray that you have a blessed 2012 and we look forward to sharing with you in this awesome journey of parenthood and Evan's life!

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