Monday, May 23, 2011

So today we are 37 weeks and 3 days! Only 18 more days to go, but who's counting?! We have been trying to slow down a little bit as D-day approaches, but to no avail! I did surprise Eric with a little "staycation" at a bed & breakfast over the weekend and that was just what we needed! We were able to spend some quality time together and the B&B was beautiful. It had a little "lake" that we went out on and Eric did some fishing. He successfully caught a snapping turtle and hooked a fish on it's side when he was top water fishing! We relaxed by the pool and in the hammock and had a nice dinner. We hated to come home, but know we will be going back there again!

We are at our weekly appointments and had one today. I am just starting to dilate, but the baby still hasn't dropped yet. Everything is going well as far as my health. No signs of pre-eclampsia or diabetes. My blood pressure is great and my weight gain is right on at about 20 pounds. He said that he estimates the baby is about 5 1/2 pounds at this point and by delivery, the baby should be about 7 pounds. Music to my ears as I'd hate to have a giant baby!! I have been taking walks and mowing the lawn to get this party started! I just don't want to go over my due date! I have been trying not to think about the fact that this baby actually has to come out!

I have been sleeping ok, getting up a little bit more to pee and I have been having some bizarre dreams! I think (without going into gross detail) that I am having some major unconscious (and conscious) fears of pooping on the delivery table! Oh well! Eric continues to be great and taking my crazy request of cleaning/nesting in stride. We are both getting so excited and can't believe that it is only 18 days away! We remember when we still had 240 days to go and it felt like it would never be here! I am terrified that if it goes by this fast without the baby here, it is going to go even faster when it is here! I feel like I'm going to blink and the baby will be graduating from high school. Makes me want to really take everything in!

On a sad note, just last night a devastating tornado went through a town about 2 1/2 hours south of Kansas City and killed over 100 people. It's hard to feel excitement and anticipation when there are so many people who are mourning the loss of loved ones and their homes. We just pray for all of them.

That's about all for now. We have our next appoinment on Tuesday so will update after that!

1 comment:

  1. Okay seriously?! Poop always comes up!! Haha! I literally laughed out loud, thanks for the chuckle! Very excited for you two and getting more excited by the day!!!
