Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Where does the time go?

It is amazing how fast time goes by and even more amazing at what occupies your time when you are a new parent! I really don't know what I do all day, but I look up and it is 9 pm and I think, "what did I do today?"! I really had intentions to update this blog more often, but I truly just don't have the time, so I apologize for the long times in between posts!

Evan is 8 weeks and 2 days old today! At last weight check he was 9 pounds 8 ounces! He is growing up so fast and I HATE it! He is getting stronger every day and he loves to stand up on his legs. He is smiling a ton and "talking" to us often. He is such a good baby for which we are so grateful! He is focusing on objects and holding his head up pretty well. Although he still resembles a bobble head at times! He is filling out finally and has officially gone on from newborn clothes to his 0-3 month clothes. He also moved to size 1 diapers :( I was going through his dresser the other day and saw a preemie outfit that he wore when he was first born and of course burst into tears at how small it was and at the fact that he actually fit into it! It is a very bitter sweet thing because as much as I look forward to seeing his pesonality develop, I am going to miss him being so mushy and snuggly! I keep telling him that he better snuggle with his mommy forever! Probably won't happen, I know :(

We had our first road trip with Evan to Minnesota at the end of July. It was definately an interesting experience with a baby, but he did pretty well! The normally 5 1/2 hour drive took 7 hours with a couple of stops to feed and just get hime out of the carseat for a bit. He had TONS of visitors while we were there and by the end of the weekend, I think he was a bit overstimulated! I don't think he got put down the entire time we were there! That's ok though. We feel so blessed that he has family that loves him so much already. We developed some feeding issues a few weeks ago, but finally got that figured out thank goodness! Otherwise, everything is going great. He is sleeping pretty good, still getting up about 1 time per night.

We continue to try to adjust to life with a baby and I think we are doing a pretty good job. It is so hard to try to split your attention between your child and your husband and your dogs! No matter what you do, you feel guilty because you feel like someone is gettig shortchanged! I don't know how people do it, but I guess you just do and know that it won't be like this forever! I try to cherish every moment because it goes so fast and we will never get this time back. Anyway, thanks for reading and I will continue to try to post as often as possible!